Click (SHOW MORE BELOW) AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAINTINGS to view the entire collection or click the painting to scroll through the gallery.
For all media inquiries, information on paintings, or licensing my art please contact my studio by phone at: (760) 500 - 5633 or via e-mail at: info@lindsayduff.com.

BEHIND THE VEIL $600 32.5” x 21” Mixed acrylic, water based oil, gold and silver pen, colored pen, and gold leaf

DREAMTIME $888 34” x 24” Mixed acrylic, watercolor, water based oil, gold and silver pen, colored pen and gold leaf

TRANSFORMATION $500 12” x 30” Mixed spray paint, paper, acrylic, gold and silver leaf and pen on canvas

ROYALTY $999 24” x 36” Mixed spray paint, acrylic, pen, paper, gold and silver leaf pen on canvas

NO EDITING $225 11” x 14” Mixed spray paint, and paper on wood canvas

BIRDS $350 12” x 16” Mixed oil pens, pentel pens, acrylic on watercolor canvas


GRAFFITI NEW PERSPECTIVE $350 24” x 18” Mixed spray paint, acrylic, and pen

GRAFFITI LIGHT HEARTED $350 22” x 18” Mixed spray paint, acrylic, paper, pen and metallics on hand made paper